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Should You Excercise Your Back When It Hurts

Developing an ab routine at home is extremely important for teens to grow their core strength. Here is an easy ab workout for teenage guys at home:

Before we start you should note that abs are not fully achieved through working out. A healthy diet is the majority of your progress while working out is simply to build your abdominal muscles.

Both dieting and working out combined is what will give you those abdominal muscles that you're looking to achieve.

Read this post for more information on How to Get Abs .

This ab workout a simple 4-step process that will be repeated twice that you can do at home in about 5 minutes. Grab a mat and let's get started…


First up are crunches! It is a very easy ab workout for teenage guys to do at home.

For those of you that have never done them before, here is the basic idea of the workout:

  • Get into a sit up position (lay down, feet flat on the ground, legs bent)
  • Put your hands behind your ears
  • Using your abs, lift your back so that your body is at a 45 degree angle with the floor
  • Control your way back down (don't just flop down)

Do this 15 times (you should increase this number as your body gets used to this workout)

If your neck hurts, it's pretty common so don't panic (our heads weigh a lot). Make sure you're actually putting your hands behind your ears and not pulling your neck up during the exercise.

Right after you're done, move onto the next workout…

Flutter Kicks

Flutter kicks are a simple ab exercise for teens to do at home.

Here's the breakdown of this workout:

  • Lay down
  • Lift both your back and legs slightly (your body should look like a very wide v-shape)
  • Keep your hands to your side
  • Alternate flapping your legs up and down (about 1 foot off the ground)

Do this for 20 seconds to start (increase as your abs get stronger).

If flutter kicks are hard for you, put your hands under your butt. I know it sounds strange, but it actually helps relieve some of the tension on your abs.

Try your best to get through it with your hands by your side, even if you have to switch every few seconds to go under your butt.

If this ab workout feels easy, try lifting your back up more. This will squeeze your abs and make it harder for them to keep your legs fluttering.

After this, go directly into the third ab exercise…

Leg Raises

Leg raises are one of the best ab workouts for teenage guys because of how effective they are! They can be slightly complex to understand, but here's the best way to figure it out:

  • Lay Down with your hands by your side
  • Bring your legs all the way in so your knees are close to your chest
  • From this position, bring your legs straight up into the air
  • You will most likely need to roll on your back slightly
  • Bring your legs back down to your chest
  • Then bring them back to the start position

Do this 15 times – you will be tired by now ?

When you shoot your legs up into the air, make sure you're squeezing your abs to get that burn.

Once you've finished these, move on to the final workout of the cycle…

Hump Planks

Yes I know, the name sounds weird, but that's the name and we're going to deal with it.

The workout is actually done exactly how it sounds. You get in a plank position and you essentially hump the ground.

It's an excellent way to feel the burn (especially because it's the last workout) and finish of your first set. Here's how you do it:

  • Get in a plank position (whole body flat, forearms on the ground, hands together)
  • Using your core, lift your butt up into the air
  • Bring it back down to a completely flat position

Do this 15 times.

Pretty simple, right? It burns like hell when you do it properly… so do it properly!

This is not an ab workout to be rushed. Every time you go up and down should be done slowly with a focus on squeezing your abs at the top.

If you are not feeling it the way you think you should, try bringing your arms in closer to your body. That way your body can lift up higher and feel a greater squeeze.

Full Ab Workout for Teenage Guys

Now that you know how to do every exercise properly, here is the full ab workout in a simple step by step format:

  1. Crunches (15 Times)
  2. Flutter Kicks (20 Seconds)
  3. Leg Raises (15 Times)
  4. Hump Planks (15 Times)
  5. Repeat Twice!
  6. No resting, no breaks

That's it! Simple and easy to remember, but burns your abs to perfection.

If you're wondering how often you should do this, I would recommend at least 3 times a week. You can then increase this all the way up to once a day.

Abdominal muscles are quickly burned, but also have a very fast recovery time.

Always keep in mind that the objective of this workout cycle is to squeeze your abs and not have to rely on other muscles to do it for you.

Follow this routine, and you'll be on your way to strong ab muscles.

Hopefully this 4-step ab workout has helped you develop an easy practice to grow those muscles! If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions leave them down below. Thanks for reading!

Should You Excercise Your Back When It Hurts
