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Throught Out the Week, Emma Read 1/2

� Ellen Moody. No part of this website page may exist reproduced without express permission from the writer and website/blog owner. All uses of information or evaluative commentary should be acknowledged and documented. Linking is encouraged.

A Calendar for Emma

The 1972 BBC Emma, scripted Denis Constanduros, directed past John Glenister
Mr Woodhouse (Donald Eccles), dressed, readied, comforted, waited for
past Mr Knightley (John Carson) and Isabella (Meg Gleed)

Emma "works"somewhat differently from Austen's other realistic prose narratives. Austen still exploits the differences between psychological and agenda fourth dimension to pace her volume and our response to information technology, and she paces the events of the book in a closely intertwined way with detailed references that movement dorsum and forth in time; she nonetheless introduces but one new plow at a time. However, in this book she pays attention to seasons besides as the bogus calendar, she plays hidden games with the reader, and at turn in the narrative time is allowed to seem to float costless, although a study of all the references to fourth dimension shows that Austen is nonetheless using her almanac to attach narratives consistently to one another beyond hundreds of pages.

There are two explanations for this. First Emma was never written as an epistolary novel over a sequence of fourth dimension. Individual messages (like Frank's at the cease) were always planned to be "dropt" into the volume. Second the book is very indirect; Austen is coy, subconscious; she is intensely concerned to marginalise some of her stories so nosotros only see them out of her heroine's eye. The hidden nature of the calendar is of a piece with the volume's silences and Austen's distance from this heroine.

Chapman was the kickoff to notice the difference. Since he has until recently been so respected, when he didn't try to piece of work a calendar out, no-1 did. The situation changed when Jo Modert published an article on time and the various calendars in Austen's novels in which she did work out the cruxes of a agenda and showed the novel follows an almanac for the years 1814-1815.

In brief, Modert demonstrated at that place is a "hidden calendar game" in the novel. Thus, for instance, the Mon on which Frank's gift of a pianoforte arrived at Jane Fairfax'due south domicile was Valentine's Solar day; the Tuesday he was forced to get out Highbury for Yorkshire and tried to confess to Emma was Shrove Tuesday; the momentous occurrences at Donwell Abbey and Box Hill occur on June 23rd and 24th, Midsummer Twenty-four hours and Eve, and thus correlate to the day Emma writes Harriet a letter telling Harriet their friendship is over for the time being; that day (momentous in the novel near female friendship where Harriet is a fundamental graphic symbol) is July 4th, Old Midsummer'south Eve, and the unusually cold wintry Wednesday which followed, July 6th, when Mr. Knightley proposes, is Erstwhile Midsummer's Day. All this cannot be coincidental.

I have been asked if Austen worked into the calendar August 1st (Lammas 24-hour interval). I don't find that she did specifically considering I traced only the major events of the novel; the little turns such as Knightley walking into a field or conferring with William Larkins I didn't attend to. I worked out the post-obit calendar by an intensely close reading of Austen's Emma subsequently reading Modert'south commentary.

Anyone who looks will see that Chapman was right in this: while one tin can draw a agenda out, one must deal with Austen's new procedure of zeroing in on very few days over a two or three calendar week period of fourth dimension and then moving on to a afterward catamenia; this requires theorize; thus others may disagree with my calculations; what I did was proceed to the folk-festival-church building and calendar year and to the birthdays of the characters and those days of the week we are given against a month. I remember that Eugene McDonnell besides posted a brief partial agenda for Emma on Austen-50 in which he showed the alignment of its events to the seasonal and folk year.

I accept come across bear witness which suggests our extant Emma is another of Austen's "gradual performances". There are Miss Bates's references to Ireland which would have been plumbing equipment in 1801-ii ("[it] must make it very strange to be in different kingdoms, I was going to say, but still different countries", Ch nineteen,p. 173) or very early in the 1810s. In her Jane Austen, Feminism and Fiction Margaret Kirkham has shown that Emma may have taken its initial inspiration from a performance of an English translation of a play by Kotzebue, whose full English language title is The Reconciliation, or The Birthday Political party, first performed in England in 1799. However, I still recollect this novel was non originally epistolary: the controlled distant signal of view suggests a wholly new approach to the delivery of narrative. Since Austen moved away from it in Persuasion, it may exist that she was unconscious of the nature of her achievement and did not mean the reader to read this novel as ironically every bit many readers practice. It's revealing that she made the mistake of thinking many of her readers would not similar Emma; in fact, many identify. This supports the contention the text is non meant to exist fundamentally or consistently ironic.

All the page references are to the Penguin edition which numbers the chapters consecutively.

1776: Nascency of George Knightley -- he is 37-38 when the novel opens

1789, June 8: Birth of Robert Martin; he is 24 years old in 1813

1789, early in year. Captain Weston marries Miss Churchill; end of the twelvemonth Frank Churchill is born; Frank is 23 when the novel opens in 1813; said to take been 2 when his mother died. Tin can be dated precisely for when Mrs Churchill dies on July 26th, 1814, we are told she "had been disliked for "at least twenty- five years". Helm Weston and Miss Churchill have to know each other earlier they wed; so they met in 1788 and married 1789. Information technology all locks together. 11:119; 45:379

1793 Birth of Jane Fairfax; she is 21 when story opens; death of Mrs Weston (nee Churchill) at beginning of twelvemonth (thus make the boy child just ii), of a lingering illness iii years after their marriage, leaving a small boy. Appointment arrived at by subtracting from 1813 the number 18-20, and taking into account the statement that Frank was a very small-scale boy when he was taken over by the Churchills. 20 is the 2nd of the numbers the narrator offers to delimit how much time passed from the expiry of Helm Weston'due south first wife to his wedlock to Miss Taylor

1796 Jane Fairfax's mother dies when Jane is three

1796, June 23: Harriet is 17 when novel opens so Harriet Smith born in the aforementioned yr that Mrs Jane Fairfax died. Edith Lank has suggested Miss Henrietta Bates could have left Highbury during this fourth dimension to assistance her poor sister, thus giving an excuse for a pregnancy (!). See Edith Lank'due south intriguing essay in Persuasions vii, pp. xiv-fifteen.

1797 Miss Taylor comes to be governess to the Woodhouse daughters "sixteen years ago" (said as the book opens). Emma then 5. Afterwards we are told that at 10 Emma could reply questions that puzzled Isabella at 17; this implies that Isabella is 7 years older than Emma so Isabella was 12 when Miss Taylor arrived. This is time advised for getting a governess for a young girl 1:38

1802 (just earlier): Jane Fairfax adopted by the Campbells; we are told she was adopted earlier she was 9.

1804 During 1 of Emma'southward "amiable fits" she persisted in calling Mr Knightley "George", 53:445

1805. Age 12 Emma draws upwards her showtime reading scheme, 5:65. Mr Knightley says ever since she was 12 she has been mistress of "the house and you all". Was information technology in this year Mrs Woodhouse died?, 5:66; 53:445

1806 Isabella Woodhouse marries John Knightley. Emma alone with Miss Taylor during the "last seven years" afterwards Isabella married John. Isabella would have been 20-21 and Emma 13. Mr Knightley says he has known and (unconsciously?) loved Emma since she was 13. 1:38

1807: Age 14 Emma draws upwards her 2d reading scheme which "does her judgement much credit" 5:65

1809 "Four years ago" Miss Taylor and Emma met Mr Weston in Wide-way Lane; it began to mizzle, and he darted away to bring back two umbrellas. "I planned the lucifer from that hour". one:43

December and after
Mr. Elton enters the neighborhood 16:155

the time of Jane Fairfax'due south last visit nineteen:170
2 years previous Mr Woodhouse had been at Donwell Abbey 42:352
Last September:
Mr Weston wrote notation to Isabella Knightley to clinch her there was no scarlet fever at Cobham xi:118

John and Isabella Knightley had not come since final Easter 9:104, and and so just for a few days, during which time on a windy twenty-four hours Mr Weston helped little Henry fly his kite 11:119

birth of fiddling Emma? 12:121
Tues, 8 June:
Mr Martin was 24 iv:59
Wed, 23 June:
Harriet was 17 iv:59

There had been a 2 months in the country by Miss Smith to Martin farm just earlier Emma's commencement invitation to her three:53; first Lord's day back they had had a goose Mrs Martin had sent 4:58; during visit in September it'due south called Harriet had been measured 23:199; described in very early February equally non six months ago a visit of vi weeks 23:200, so really an August into September visit

We detect ourselves in the evening of the day (in September?or early October) on which Miss Taylor married one:39

"All the autumn", by which is meant September, the Knightley children went sea-bathing; in previous years had come to Hartfield 11:115

Tues, 28th Sept:
Letter from Frank Churchill from Weymouth to the new Mrs Weston 2:48; 11:119
One morning
a note comes asking if Mrs Goddard can bring Miss Smith 3:53
Harriet says she didn't know Mr Elton to speak to until then, 9:100; Emma hatches her plan for Harriet to ally Mr Elton the very first evening Harriet came to Hartfield 4:63; that evening Emma hatches her plan to marry Miss Smith to Mr Elton 3:53;

The very next twenty-four hour period after Harriet and Emma's first talk they meet Mr Martin on pes on the Donwell Route; Emma's insinuating insidious chat occurs immediately after 4:61

At Weymouth a solemn appointment formed between Jane Fairfax and Frank Churchill 46:387
The time that Miss Campbell was married, and didn't look her parents to come to meet her until the summer 19:172

Thus far we know that many long October and November nights are on their style 1:38

And then we are thrust into an on-going conversation betwixt Mr Knightley and Mrs Weston 5:65ff; we are told that Mr and Mrs Weston had been speaking of it "yesterday;" that is, the day earlier; how well she looked last dark? 5:67: an evening party or dinner was there?

Again sudden fix downwards "the sitting began 6:74 Harriet to sit down again the next twenty-four hours half-dozen:75 on the morrow the civilities and courtesies the same 6:75

a month before Knightley'south visit Mrs Bates had her bad cold; Mr Wingfield said this autumn more than colds generally and very heavy 12:125
Sun, 7th November:
Jane Fairfax caught a bad cold xix:174
November late
Mrs Anne Weston gets meaning; baby born in late July see beneath; Miss Bates's ascertainment almost "seeing [her] pass past so often, and knowing how much trouble y'all accept" occurs in May; at that fourth dimension Mrs Weston would exist 7 months meaning; she is "gently" coerced into constant walking most Bates'south. 38:320

Following events occur between Dec 1st-17th, Wed of 1 week to Friday of 2 weeks afterwards

December A Wednesday Evening
Martin had visited Knightley and been encouraged to propose to Harriet Smith eight:86
Thursday (next solar day)
By time Mr Elton takes painting to London to exist framed it's December 6:76; on that day he meets Mr Perry on the road and tells Mr Perry he will not exist back in time for whist (it was the whist-club dark), not meaning to return until the morrow 8:93; that very 24-hour interval Mr Martin leaves a letter which contains a proposal of marriage to Harriet an hr earlier she arrives in a packet which contains two songs Harriet left Elizabeth to re-create That night Harriet sleeps at Hartfield; for some weeks spending half her time in that location, has bedroom;
Friday or next morn
she'southward off to Mrs Godddard for a 60 minutes or two and will return to make a visit of several days; while Harriet in that location Miss Nash tells her what Mr Perry said about Mr Elton 8:93; Mr Knightley arrives eight:84; he had had his visit from Mr Martin whether he should suggest two evenings agone 8:86; she so says yesterday he made his proposal by a alphabetic character and was refused viii:86-7
the next few days
the behavior over the picture, the riddles; the day before Mr Elton declined to show skill at riddles ix:95
the very next day
Mr Elton brings riddle9:97; a month ago Harriet had no idea 9:98; Mr Elton to come back that evening 9:101; actually returns just earlier four o'clock to asks permission to go to Coles for dinner 9:106; eye of December
the morrow
when Emma goes on charitable visit ten:108; they meet Elton likewise on his way to call; Emma destroys her own bootlace to inveigle a visit into Elton's house ten:111

More firmly in the middle of Dec:

December seventh-8th, Tuesday or Wednesday
She "forgets exactly the 24-hour interval -- but perhaps information technology was the Tuesday or Wednesday before that evening.Harriet tells Emma that "one morning" she saved the stub of Elton'southward pencil when he cut away part of it to write down "something about brewing spruce beer". Austen must take flipped back and along with her almanac as this is said in the the third calendar week of May (see beneath) xl:336
Dec 13th-14th, Monday or Tuesday
"It was but a very few days earlier I had my sore throat -- just earlier Mr and Mrs Knightley came". Only earlier in a higher place revelation in third week of May Harriet tells Emma that she saved the court plaister forty:335
Sat, Dec 18th:
the first of the ten mean solar day visit of Knightleys 11:115; that evening Mr Knightley comes to dine 12:121; next morning John Chiliad to come to the Abbey 12:128; court plaister incident 40:334; there are visits, forenoon and evenings, evenings are quieter just
Thurs, 23rd Dec:
Harriet spends day at Randalls, and gets a cold; she returns to Mrs Goddard considering she wants to be nursed by her 13:130
Friday, 24th Dec:
early in the 24-hour interval Emma visits Harriet, sits as long as she can, Mrs Perry spoken of; for dinner a Christmas visit to Randalls; that morning letter from Frank saying he means to come in a fortnight; the return bulldoze in which Elton proposes 13:130; 14:140
Sat, 25th Dec:
Emma awakens refreshed from slumber; snow on ground, though Christmas day, she cannot get to church 16:156
Mon, 27th December:
stay around 10 days, Knightleys leave; that evening Mr Elton's note proverb he is leaving for Bath the following morning 17:158
Tues, 28th Dec (Innocents Mean solar day):
Elton goes to Bath, will stay "a few weeks;" on this morning too Emma has to tell Harriet the truth; we are told the Knightleys must exist in London on the 28th 9:104, 17:158; 17:159 (Knightleys volition stay Christmas for just one week 9:104; then we hear of a x day stay 11:115)

In this office of the calendar 1 of those elements which makes me feel I have conjectured rightly is that we are told the Coles' party was on a Tuesday and by my scheme it falls on a Tuesday; working out from the holiday years, by my calendar Frank tries to make his confession to Emma on a Tuesday and it is Shrove Tuesday; on Tues, July 5th, Quondam Midsummer Eve, Emma sends her letter to Harriet cut Harriet off from their "friendship;" the conditions then clears on Wednesday ( nosotros are told it is a Wednesday) when Mr Knightley shows up and proposes. Of class every bit and then many people have noticed Frank gives Jane the piano on Valentine's Day, this works out in my calendar in such a fashion as to cohere with the Coles'southward political party.

1814, Sat, Jan 1st
A fortnight after Frank's letter which came on the 24th would make his visit the "second week in January" (and so in fact say Mr Weston on that very evening of political party at Randalls); yet, Frank sends another letter of the alphabet in "early on January" saying he cannot come after all; immediately after Christmas Emma also gets Harriet to Hartfield with the idea of being a existent friend to her -- which she has been anything merely before. Time is at this indicate overdetermined: there are so many references to it. Does Austen practise this at turning points equally she gathers upwards her threads. So Emma besides says she had been misinterpreting, misguiding and misleading Harriet "for the last 6 weeks" fourteen:140, 17;159-160; xviii:162
Before Tues-Wed, Jan 4th-fifth:
Unexpected letter from Jane Fairfax; in the common course they should not have heard from Jane until adjacent Tuesday or Wednesday 19:170, 172
Fri-Sat, January 7th-8th:
Jane to make it next week, Friday or Saturday Miss Bates can't say which; Jane to stay 3 months at least (until Apr) xix:172, 175
Mon, Jan 10th:
Campbells exit town on style to Holyhead the Monday following; 19:175
Tues, Jan 25th:
Emma has the Bateses and Jane over 20:181-two
Wed, Jan 26th:
We tin can engagement this from Miss Bates's statement that Mr Elton has been gone simply four weeks yesterday Morning post-obit evening Emma has Batess and Jane over Mr Knightley comes to do some business for Mr Woodhouse; on this day Mr Cole receives Mr Elton'south alphabetic character and Mrs Cole writes notation to Miss Bates to say Mr Elton is going to exist married; Emma says Elton gone just 4 weeks so this makes this morning to occur at the close of the week of Jan 24th or opening of week of Jan 31st.
Saturday, Jan 29th
Harriet's meeting with Robert and Elizabeth Martin at Ford's 21:184, 186, 190
Monday, January 31st:
A few days after Harriet meets Martins, Elizabeth comes to Mrs Goddard's and and so engineers information technology that Harriet is out; leaves Harriet a annotation 22:197
Beginning week of Feb:
Not a week had passed when we hear of how Miss Hawkins described, Mr Elton's short return, Emma'southward brusque come across with him 22:194
Tues, Feb 8th:
On morning time he sets off for Bath, Emma takes Harriet to call on Martins; one-half hour earlier she sees his trunk; fourteen minute visit only; at Hartfield she learns of a letter of the alphabet from Frank, he is to come up tomorrow and stay for a fortnight; arrives that evening, since he spent 2 nights on the road he must accept left immediately after sending his letter 22:197-viii; 23:199-200, 203
Wednesday, Feb ninth:
Frank Churchill was to come, Emma watching the clock hourly and a few minutes subsequently twelve find Mr Weston and Frank at Hartfield; Weston hurries on, Frank ignores hint he should stay and instead goes on to see Jane at Bates'due south 23:201, 203
Thurs, Feb tenth:
Next morning FC calls again; spends solar day with Emma and Mrs Weston, passes Elton'southward house and envies him 24:208
Fri Feb 11th:
Frank goes to London ostensibly to have hair cut, actually to purchase pianoforte; Mr and Mrs Weston visit likewise coincides with invitation to Coles; while Emma and Harriet visit Ford's (meet below Wed, February 16th)
Sat, Feb 12th
we are told that Mr Martin dined with with Coles "last Saturday" . Martin is acceptable To Coles from whose party Emma was almost excluded 25:216, 218; 27:240
Monday, Feb 14th:
Valentine's Twenty-four hours the Pianoforte arrives
Tues, Feb 15th:
The Coles's Party: "Nosotros must recollect to let James know that the wagon will be wanted on Tuesday"; Frank remembers he came a week tomorrow, half his fourth dimension, so he had to accept arrived on Wed, Feb 9th 26:220, 222, 27:230
Midweek, Feb 16th:
Emma sits downwardly and practices for 1 and 1/2 hours; Harriet arrives, tells of Mr Martin's dinner at Coxes on past Saturday, Emma and Harriet get to Ford's; met by Frank and Mrs Weston, Frank has engineered trip to Bates'southward to heed to piano; the fixing of the spectacles 27:239-41
Thurs-Fri, Feb 17th-18th: of a sudden indeterminacy
We are simply told that during "the last half hour of an evening which Mr Woodhouse was persuaded to spend with his girl at Randalls"; Frank and Emma suddenly brainstorm to plan a brawl; Frank has "a fortnight" and then he must extend only to Feb 23rd; later on when extension revoked he leaves on the Tuesday so this measuring of rooms, given other indications of time, can only occur on one of these ii nights 29:253; thirty:262
Sat, Feb 19th:
The letter of the alphabet came from Mrs Churchill in which she did not oppose extension of Frank's stay; Eye of next 24-hour interval Frank at Hartfield with proposal of a brawl at the Crown Inn; she and Frank become to Crown to see Mr and Mrs Weston there to talk over programme 29:255, 30:263
Lord's day-Mon, Feb 20th-21st:
two days of joyful security pass; during this time Knightley disparages, Jane Fairfax looks forrard to said ball xxx:262-3; wedding of Eltons has to take identify before Shrove Tuesday 31:270
Tues, February 22nd:
The note from Mr Churchill commanding Frank to return instantly; sum of it in a note from Mrs Weston comes to Emma at breakfast; he indeed been there a total fortnight. We larn information technology was a "Tuesday" in Frank's letter; and then this is Feb 22nd; 30:263; three:269
Indeterminate but almost firsthand time before
Frank'southward letter to Mrs Weston arrives 31:269-70
Wednesday, Mar 2nd:
Iii weeks of "happy exemption from Mr Elton'south doings" 31:270
Dominicus, Mar 6th:
Mr Elton first seen at church 32:273
Monday-Thurs, Mar 7th-17th:
Emma pays first visit to Elton's, Harriet in tow, iii months after her fob over the shoelace; visit then returned past Mrs Elton. Time becoming increasingly indeterminate again: "When the visit was returned ..." 32:273-iv
Early-mid, Mar:
Letter referred to 3 months later in which Jane told Frank Mr Perry setting upwards carriage; Jane had it from Miss Bates who got information technology from Mrs Bates who was told by Mrs Perry 41:341

Later in March Mrs Elton and Emma distance themselves from i another, Mrs Elton patronizes Jane Fairfax, walks, talks; Jane comes to spend the solar day with her 33:286. In April, Jane now there 3 months; Campbells to stay in Ireland until midsummer, Mrs Dixon presses her to come to Ireland, still Jane stays away 33:286. During this period, there's a visit of some weeks in the spring past two eldest Knightley children, Henry and John with male parent bringing them and staying ane whole day which day coincides with 24-hour interval of Emma'south dinner party for Eltons 33:292.

Nonetheless, Austen withal keeping time inside indeterminacy: Mrs Elton will say "From Monday adjacent to Saturday, I clinch you nosotros take not a disengaged 24-hour interval"; Emma "talked near [the dinner for the Eltons] for ten minures", 33:291-292

Thurs, April 7th:
The evening dinner party for Mrs Elton: "the evening of a common cold sleety April day"; Mr Weston summoned to town and must exist absent 33:292: at political party are Eltons, Emma & her father, both Knightleys, Jane, Mrs Weston; Mr Weston joins them later; that morning time Mr Knightley had met Jane on her way domicile from postal service-role earlier breakfast; also comment "hither is April come;" Jane determined to do nothing for 2-iii months (June-July); Frank's alphabetic character tells them he is to come "tomorrow or Sabbatum" then that makes it Thursday; they will exist only 2 nights on the road, over again letter sent on day journey begins. Amongst the many obsessive indications of time are nigh Mr Weston, "A man who had been in move since eight o'clock in the morning"; Mr Suckling has been eleven years at Maple Grove, the Tupmans only in the neighborhood "a year and one one-half at the utmost"; Mr Knightley absent from home five hours for every ane of of Emma'southward 34:294-9; 35:300, 302; 36:306, 312
Friday (tomorrow) or Sabbatum, Apr 8th-9th:
Frank to come up to London with Churchills and to stay through month of May; Emma thinking about immediately later on explicitly makes time of Frank's absence as "two months" since Frank has been at Highbury 36:307, 37:313
Sabbatum-Tues, Apr 9th-19th:
During next ten days Frank came once; Churchills are however in London; Mrs Churchill in a weaker state than she was half a yr ago; letter during this time from Frank says they will rent in Richmond; "by x days' end" his aunt has had plenty of London 37:314-5
May 1st-June 30th:
Churchills take "ready-furnished house in Richmond "for May and June". "What were nine miles to a young human? -- An hour'due south drive"; "16 miles -- nay, eighteen -- it must be a full eighteen to Manchester-street" 37:315. It's worth noting continual obsessive attention to time and distance:
May, 2d week, Monday-Thurs, May ninth-12th:
Ball: Wherein Frank appalled at Mrs Elton's behavior, gives himself away in thousands of ways; wherein Eltons snub Harriet and Mr Knightley asks her to dance. Second calendar week arrived at by working backwards from last; sudden shift to indeterminacy heralds sudden looseness in narrative equally Jane Fairfax & Mrs Elton plots are nigh to be held at bay (side by side few chapters we hear nearly doings from Emma and Harriet's perspective 38:318
Fri, May 13th?:
Next morning: Gypsy incident from which Frank Churchill saves Harriet 39:329**Someone pointed out to me this is a folk calendar day only I cannot find my reference and would be grateful to anyone who could say what such a Fri in May would be in the church or festival twelvemonth. May 19th is St Dunstan'due south solar day: Dunstan said to be about famous of Anglo-Saxon saints, born most Glastonbury, an Archbishop of Canterbury, but adjacent two references makes it clear the Ball was held the second week
May, 3rd week, Mon-Tues, May 16th or 17th:
A very few days after ball and Gypsy incident: Harriet gives upward relics, and says she loves another 40:334
May, 4th Week, Thurs-Fri, May 27th-28th:
"A fortnight afterwards alarm" (i.east. gypsy incident) Harriet confesses her aspirations for Knightley to Emma; Emma thinks she is talking of gypsy incident while Harriet is talking of mortification at ball and Mr Knightley's sparing her that anguish 40:340

"June opens upon Highbury"; Campbells not to return from Ireland until "August" rather than "Midsummer" and then Jane to be with Bateses two months more 41:340

One day: Knightley at dinner with Randalls' family (Mr and Mrs Weston and Jane at Eltons. Nosotros see Emma is excluded. He sees a expect laissez passer between Jane and Frank in the role of admirer of Jane 41:340

Another time once again from Mr Knightley's eyes (or was information technology "himself creating what I saw" as in Cowper): in company of Jane and Frank, an evening in June, after dinner: rain threatens; Westons & son walking with Miss Bates and niece "who had accidentally met"; they meet Mr Knightley, Emma, & Harriet; Frank makes mistake of referring to gossip Jane sent him "three months ago" in a letter, attributes to Mrs Weston; Miss Bates "trying in vain to be heard for 2 minutes", for "about three days" "last bound" it was "quite a secret" that Perrys were planning to buy and to employ a carriage; Jane lags behind in embarrassment; tea & alphabet game, "box of letters" left over from nephews' "visit of some weeks in the spring". This, says Frank, "a dull looking evening, that ought to be treated rather equally wintertime than summer" 41:34-343

At present middle of June (42:349)

Thurs, June 23rd:
Midsummer Eve and Harriet's altogether; Donwell Abbey expedition; Mrs Elton's nagging at Jane over taking position as governess; Frank comes late in day later Jane has left, they quarrelled on the road; Emma sees him at 3 o'clock 42:352; 43:362
Friday, June 24th:
Midsummer Day: Frank stays at Randall's, 7 miles to Box Hill, remain there for ii hours; terrible moment with Knightley, evening playing back-gammon with her begetter; earlier in solar day Jane tells Mrs Elton to say no to Mrs Smallridge; but afterward in the evening when Miss Bates & Jane at Elton'south, Jane says yes after she hears that Frank returned to Richmond that evening after his stepfather said he could wait until the adjacent morning. Jane told this by Miss Bates, "closes with the offering, resolving to break" with Frank entirely. 43:361; 44:370; 44:373; fifty:427
Sat, June 25th:
Next forenoon, Emma'due south visit to Miss Bates, Jane very ill, headache from writing long letters to Colonel Campbell and Mrs Dixon, too painful one to Frank; she has accustomed position with Mrs Smallridge; she has written to Frank (we find out from his letter), and the lines are "She felt the appointment to exist a source of repentance and misery to each: she dissolved it. Mr Knightley arrives to say he is going to London to spend "a few days" with his brother and Isabella. Time over again obsessively kept track of: Jane has taken up Mrs Elton'due south offer considering she heard of Frank's going off; Mr Knightley at Hartfield for half an hour; Emma wishes she had left Miss Bates 10 minutes before. 45:377.
Sunday, June 26th:
"Thirty-half dozen hours" later Frank'south return, Mrs Churchill dies: Mrs Churchill had been disliked for more than 25 years and so that brings the states dorsum to somewhat earlier 1789 for meeting of Miss Churchill and Captan Weston; that this "event" occurred this solar day made explicit in Frank'due south letter of the alphabet of July 5th, Tuesaday: "the outcome of the 26th ult." It was on this day that Frank received Jane'due south letter; he replied "within an hr" merely the multiplicity of business, the many letters confused him and then he locked letter upward in his desk (this he says in his letter of Tuesday, July 5th). 45:379; 44:371; fifty:426; 45:377; 50:428
Mon, June 27th (perhaps through to June 29th):
Short letters from Frank to Highbury follow Mrs Churchill'south expiry, her funeral kept at altitude, Yorkshire. Frank's stepfather to visit a friend in Windsor he has been promising to visit for 10 years 45:379
Monday, June 27th:
Side by side day after letter telling of death of Mrs Churchill and surrounding events and suppositions, Emma invites Jane to come to Hartfield for mean solar day; that "same morning" Mr Perry had seen her, in very bad state; "her nowadays home unfavourable to nervous disorder"; problem is precisely in the "intendance and attention"; an hour or ii's relief would assistance; Emma sends note; exact message sent back refusing. It was on this day that Frank and Mr Churchill went to Windsor. l:428
Tuesday, June 28th:
"The post-obit morning" Emma writes "once more to say in the most feeling language she could control" that she will call for Jane "at any 60 minutes", mentioning Mr Perry on exercise; answer a brusque annotation in third person. Emma then drives to Bates'southward; denied and sees how other women had forced themselves on Jane; from home sends arrowroot, "in half an hour" arrow-root returned with "chiliad thanks" from Miss Bates, simply Jane "could not take" & will not residual until information technology is sent back; in "the afternoon" Jane seen wandering in meadow at some altitude from Highbury 45:380-382
Thursday, June 29th :
2 days afterward Frank received his alphabetic character from Jane in which she dissolves the engagement, he is aware he has not received an respond; doesn't worry until on one of these days he receives "a parcel from her, all my own letters returned", with despair and Mrs Smallridge's address, near Bristol. They must take gone to Windsor on the Tuesday, June 28th 50:427-428.
Friday - Sun, July 3rd:
Frank gets his pace-begetter to concur to matrimony.46:389; fifty:427
Fri, July 1st:
Frank and Mr Churchill come to visit a friend in Windsor 45:379
Sunday, July 3rd:
Frank finds out Jane is to get as a governess to Smallridge's; step- begetter agrees. We are really told that "two days after Frank and Mr Churchill came to Windsor, Frank got Jane's alphabetic character(due south?) 46:389; 50:427
Mon, July 4th:
"By counting June 26 and the Monday as full days", "about x days after Mrs Churchill's decease, Frank's ride from Windsor to Jane to make-up and and so to Randalls to announce appointment ("he had non time to enter into much explanation. Jane looked "wan, ill", Frank thinks he persuaded it all away. He was hither just a quarter of an hr") also occurs day after he and Mr Churchill received letters and he has time to tell his adopted stepfather; on same mean solar day, but "he cannot stay five minutes" and she "must come this morning" Mr Weston brings Emma to Mrs Weston; as they walk Frank "half mode to Windsor past this fourth dimension"; Emma tells Mrs Weston that "for at least iii months" (from May, time of 2d visit) she has "cared nothing for him"; at present that afternoon Emma and Harriet start understand 1 another. Time mentioned twice: Emma withdraws eyes from Harriet and meditates "for a few minutes. A few minutes ...", and she sees "Mr Knightley must marry no ane only herself" ... her own carry ... her own center ... earlier her in the same few minutes. Harriet's story of Mr Knightley'due south growth of love for her are described as "Circumstances that might swell to one-half an 60 minutes's relation ...": Harriet measures strength of Mr Knightley's attachment by how much time he spends with her: "they had been walking some time before Emma came ... his having sat talking with her nearly half an hour ... when he first came in, he said he could non stay five minutes ... " The rest of the twenty-four hour period; the post-obit nighttime, were hardly plenty for her thoughts. 46:384, 387, 389; 47:396, 399
Tuesday, July 5th:
If nosotros date time from midnight on nosotros find another humiliation: The rest of the day; the following night, were hardly plenty for her thoughts. Every moment brought a fresh surprise; and every surprise must exist a thing of humiliation: that she had been imposed on by others in a most mortifying degree; that she had been imposing on herself in a caste yet more than mortifying; that she was wretched and should probably find this day but the beginning of wretchedness 47:501 Old Midsummer Eve: Mean solar day of common cold July tempest. Day insisted on twice: "I did not quite like your looks on Tuesday ... I felt for your dear father very much in the storm of Tuesday". Emma'due south letter to Harriet that they should not meet except in company of others for a few days, and then never on the topic of Knightley; Mrs Weston's visit to Jane Fairfax, takes her for a drive, and and so her and Emma'due south conference; a forlorn rainy day, unusual, a July storm; a letter from Jane to Frank dreading Mrs Weston'south visit. Long dramatic scene which contains novels inside novels. The day insisted upon 4 times. On this day Frank writes his long letter of the alphabet to Mrs Weston likewise. 48:405; 50:424
Wed, July 6th:
Old Midsummer Solar day: in the afternoon it clears; that morning Mr Knightley had letter from Mr Weston telling of Frank's engagement to Jane, left Brunswick Square, arrives later dinner and proposes. He says he went to London to avoid Emma later Box Hill; as well painful to picket her flirt; cannot bear to sentry brother and sister-in-law; "staied on, however, vigorously 24-hour interval after day" until news of Jane Fairfax'southward engagement; "subconscious dwelling through the rain". Emma observes "beautiful effect of the western sun", 49:420; fifty:421
Thurs, July seventh:
A "sleepless night ... the tax for such an evening", Emma considers her father and Harriet; she does have thought that if spousal relationship "were divested of the danger of drawing her away, it might become an increase of comfort to him"; she and then sits downwardly to write a long and presumably painful letter to Harriet. Information technology is interesting to note how rarely Austen allows her heroine's letters to exist read, and how those that we accept are often brief & performative. We are to be content with the statement that writing this letter leaves Emma so "serious & nearly distressing" that it takes "half an hour's walk in the shrubbering with Mr Knightley to "reinstate" her happy frame of mind from the "evening" before. A annotation from Mrs Weston to Emma arrives, and and then herself ushering in Frank'southward letter ("very thick ... information technology must exist waded through") sent by Mrs Weston who did not like Emma's looks "on Tuesday, day repeated twice; Mrs Weston just received the letter in which Frank refers to Monday equally "yesterday", and then this is a Tuesday letter of the alphabet; information technology took 2 days to go far at Randalls; at present Th, Mr Knightley reads information technology with Emma, and then offers to come live at Hartfield. He had been "walking away from William Larkins the whole morning to have his thoughts to himself" 50:422-8; 51:429, 433

We return to indeterminate fourth dimension: the following takes place betwixt July 8th and 14th:

Harriet writes back, and we are told that even Emma could see it in "something of resentment ... which increased the desirableness of their being separate". Harriet "rather a dead weight" is Emma'southward real thought. 52:435;

Emma gets invitation from Isabella for Harriet, Emma writes Harriet, and Harriet agrees and leaves for at least a fortnight for London 52:435

Emma will look a fortnight before telling her male parent; she wants Mrs Weston to exist "safe" and "well" first. The commencement overt reference to the pregnancy 52:436

Thurs, July 14th
From Emma's conversation we larn that Mr Knightley had visited her on a Thursday to to tell her he would not be meerting Elton tomorrow (Friday, only on Saturday. 52:439
Fri, July 15th:
Emma meets Jane who is all welcome hospality; Mrs Elton at that place and asserts Elton gone to come across Knightley today at Crown. Intention to give piece a "holiday temper": "Half an hour of vacation spirits spent in calling on Jane; she is there on Friday equally they speak of Elton and Knightley and Emma sure Knightley yesterday said he was to meet Elton not today only Saturday, tomorrow (run across below in determinate fourth dimension). Since Mrs Elton has a letter from Mrs Smallridge and Jane was to come within a fortnight, and the Eltons were for a while publicly resentful towards Jane; so it may probably somewhat later July 9th at this point. We likewise learn on that morning Elton had sent a note to Knightley to talk at Donwell about tomorrow (meaning Sat, July 16th); Knightley sent a note back promising to expect at home until "ane." Not even an apology. "Mayhap he went to Hartfield, peradventure the Abbey Mill, perhaps into his woods". Nosotros are to experience Mr Knightley now in honey. Finally, Jane to stay at Highbury until she is claimed by Campbells who are to return in Baronial; she & Frank to mourn for 3 months and so marry and live at Enscombe (that would've made the nuptials late October). Gushy meeting on stairs saved by Emma'south coolness and Jane's nervous apprehension 52:436 52:441, 443
Sat, July 16th:
Meeting actually to be at Crown on this mean solar day 52:440

Interdeterminate time begins once again, Sun, July 17th to Wed, July 27th, a x mean solar day interval is common in Austen's books:
  • Mrs Weston has her babe, an Anna 53:444
  • Harriet and Emma's friendship now gone as Emma depends on Isabella'southward messages to hear about Harriet; Isabella sees Harriet "at outset out of spirits", but then must've improved; her fortnight now becoming a month 53:446
  • Letter arrives from John Knightley congratulating brother on date 53:446
  • Mr Woodhouse is told of the coming marriage; messages make it from Isabella which express "the strongest approbation". 53:449
  • Mrs Weston comes with her babe, set up to consider the subject "equally settled" and decision "a good one"; Mr Woodhouse ready to consider marriage occurring in another year or two 53:449
  • Mr Weston spends "five minutes" surprised, "by the end of an hour he was not far abroad from believing he had always foreseen it"; tells Jane "the next forenoon" . It is all timed. 53:449

We are told that Isabella's family to visit Highbury in August and volition bring Harriet back with them them; we are waiting for Campbells to render 52:443; 53:446

1814: time becomes determinable again
Saturday August 6th:
Three days earlier than Knightley and Emma's conversation: Robert Martin goes to London on business for Knightley; delivers papers and then asked to join Knightley family political party at Astley's in the evening; Mr Martin asked to dine "the next mean solar day". Harriet made a real person as we are told she was "uneasy in a oversupply". Fourth dimension made somewhat determinate by Emma'south statement on the twenty-four hours that Mr Knightley tells her that it was "v weeks agone" that Harriet had her thwarting; Harriet's disappointment was Mon July fourth 54:453
Sunday, August 7th:
Mr Martin dines, detect his opportunity, speaks, and does not speak in vain; Harriet accepts. A Good Tuesday! 54:453
Monday, August 8th:
Martin returns by coach 54:453
Tuesday August ninth::
Time passes and a few more tomorrows and the party from Brunswick Square are to arrive. This is timed past Emma'southward statement that five weeks ago Harriet had been disappointed. Nosotros are told that Emma has been thinking of "change one morning" as 1 which must bring "a great bargain of agitation and grieve her". Knightley comes with new and puts on a "grave" await; "not half an hr agone" Robert Martin told him (and so "that morning") that he and Harriet Smith will marry. Emma finds this entertaining and makes fun. What saves scene is Mr Knightley's distress at her more than mocking words on his delusion" He says he is authentic every bit Martin came to him to find who to go to; Mr Knightley said he must come across Mrs Goddard. Mr Woodhouse now drives daily to Randalls and receives "the thanks he asks for" Frank arrived this morn and Jane persuaded to spend the mean solar day at Randalls; Campbells still not back 54:452, 458

Baronial 12-13th: "a very few days" brings Harriet dorsum, with family party in tow.

Harriet tells tale to Emma, all "unintelligible" to Emma; Harriet's parentage discovered, 55:462. We should remember Harriet'southward last words: "now I seem to feel that I may deserve him; and that if he does choose me, it will non exist whatever thing so very wonderful", 47:407. Here is the criss-cross of keeping fourth dimension and symbolic representative in a place in an ongoing text.

"Before end of September" Emma attends Harriet to church where Rev Mr Elton marries them, 55:463

"Waiting for November": by time of Harriet'south marriage, Jane Fairfax has quit Highbury, restored to comforts of Campbells' home in London. So Fairfax-Churchill matrimony an autumnal affair, and Miss Bates's last words are sycophantic gush over Mr Elton's proposed ceremonious visit, "That will be a favour indeed!", 52:439, with her "looking nearly her happily"; Jane's terminal words: How can you bear such recollections is astonishing to me! -- They will sometimes intrude -- but how you lot can court them!", 52:461

"The intermediate month", October, the ane stock-still on for nuptials of Emma and Mr Knightley; made possible by housebreaking into chicken insurrection. You see Mr John Knightley "must exist in London over again past the end of the first week in November". And then Emma and Mr George Knightley married "within a month from the marriage of Mr and Mrs Robert Martin", the third week of October the i aimed at every bit nosotros are to think that Mr George and Mrs Emma Knightley took a trip perhaps to the ocean 55:483-484

Final Comment and Bibliography

At a minimu, the picturesque and appropriate touches of using seasonal, folk, and religious festivals of the year to coincide with and reinforce the events and psychological movements of the novel occur throughout the book. Austen was attempting a new approach to time even if she felt that her textile was too much of the same sort of affair she had been doing. The bibliography for studies of time in the novel is very brusque.


  • Chapman, Emma 497-8;
  • Kirkham, Margaret. Jane Austen, Feminism and Fiction. London: The Athlone Press, 1997;
  • Lank, Edith, "The word was blunder": Who Was Harriet Smith'southward Mother", Persuasions, 7 (1985), pp. 14-xv.
  • Jo Modert "Chronology Within the Novels," The Jane Austen Companion, edd. J. David Greyness, A. Walton Litz, and Brian Southam (New York: Macmillan, 1986), 56-seven.
  • But see Sutherland's objection in "Apple-bloom in June" Is Heathcliff a Murderer (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996) 14-ix.

The 1996 BBC Emma, scripted Andrew Davies, directed by Diarmiud Lawrence
Harvest festival: Mr Knightley's tenants; the great tabular array and speeches; dancing couples
Mr and Mrs Knightley, Mr and Mrs Frank Churchill, Mr and Mrs Robert Martin

Contact Ellen Moody.
Pagemaster: Jim Moody.
Folio Last Updated: 3 January 2003.
