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Why Can I Not Send Emails From My Ipad

My iPad has suddenly stopped sending emails, and I've been getting the following error as a result: "Sender's address is not valid." Any ideas?

Q:My iPad has suddenly stopped sending emails, and I've been getting the following error as a result: "Sender's address is not valid." In researching this error online, I saw that several sites tell you to do the following on the device: Go to "settings," then "passwords and accounts," then "email," then "outgoing email server." My iPad does not have a section called "passwords and accounts" in the "settings" for me to go into, so I'm not sure what to do. Any ideas?

— Evan E., Fort Pierce

A: This error tends to occur when there is an authentication or mapping issue with the email server you are trying to connect to.

Email as a whole works by pulling and sending information to and from a main server to a location like your computer or iPad.

In order for this to happen, the account accessing the server — yours, for example — must authenticate its login and password with the server's database of credentials and the program you are using to access your email — i.e., your iPad's email app — needs to be mapped correctly to the server path on the web for both incoming and outgoing mail.

If either or both of these items are not correct, then your mail will not be able to be sent, or received, and you will get an error like what's written above.

In terms of a solution, what you've found online appears to be the correct course of action: In your iPad, click on "settings," then "passwords and accounts."

In this screen, select the email address that is having the issue from the list that appears. Note: There may only be one email address here. Then scroll down and select "outgoing mail server," then "primary server" (usually at the top of the screen). Make sure the information found there is correct — if you're not sure what these values should be then give your ISP a call to get the information from them.

Sometimes this information gets changed if you access email through a different server for an extended period of time, like if you've been on vacation or away from home for a while. Once the correct information has been entered, or re-entered, then your email should work again.

If you are not able to find a section in your "settings" panel called "accounts and passwords," then click "mail" in your "settings," then "accounts" and proceed accordingly from there, as your device is just using an older setup.

If you have any other questions or if you're still not able to enter these values, then give your ISP or Apple Support a call for additional help.

Untangling the Web

For most, Florida conjures up images of pristine beaches, paradise-like weather, theme parks and more. That's not the case for photographer and author David Bulit, who put together this fact-filled site —  — about Florida's more forgotten history.

So instead of a site showing Florida typical sites, here you'll find profiles of decrepit buildings, lost cemeteries, rotting industrial buildings and more, with each entry probing into the histories of these locations (along with many unique photos).

Anyone interested in Florida history will find much to admire here. Start with the lurid profile of Orlando's now demolished Sunland Mental Hospital or the ghostly and heartbreaking origins surrounding north Florida's Bellamy Bridge.

Contact Eyal Goldshmid at

Why Can I Not Send Emails From My Ipad
