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Can I Use Synology Photo Uploader With Moments?

Synology Photos Upgrade from Moments & Photograph Station – Should You Upgrade?

When Synology first announced the development of DSM 7 (about 3 years ago now), ane of the biggest changes that was noticed was the move by Synology to consolidate their existing Synology Photo Station and Moments applications into a single, all-purpose tool – Synology Photos. Throughout the previews and reveals of development on DSM seven.0, Synology photos would be continued to be highlighted, with each update showing improvements in GUI, shared space management and filtering through your decades of photos being made much easier. Now DSM vii is officially here, many users who have fabricated the switch from DSM 6.2 (and therefore migrating from Photo Station and Moments and into Synology Photos automatically) accept raised queries about how some processes are handled past the newer photograph software, what information technology improves upon in the older apps and some areas where it appears to take taken a few steps dorsum – at to the lowest degree in this DSM 7 release build. So today I desire to talk about the difference between these three applications, what parts of your existing DSM 6.ii Photo Station & Moments data will be migrated and what features of Synology Photos have yet to arrive. Hopefully, this will help y'all decide whether to make the jump from DSM 6.two to DSM 7.0, equally right now the upgrade is not mandatory and you do not need to switch over if yous do not want to.

What Are the Differences Between Synology Photos, Moments and Photo Station?

So, kickoff and foremost, it is worth remembering that Synology Photos is not a completely new application in terms of what Synology has been providing in Photograph Station and Moments previously. Indeed, Synology Photos is designed to centralize all the photo and image management of the NAS Drive in a single portal. The design of Synology Photos is certainly more heavily influenced by Moments in its GUI and layout, but with an of import difference. The management of shared photos and albums is now switchable in the interface and allows you to manage your individual/home collections parallel to your professional person photography albums, shares and catalogues of images. THIS kind of design in the UX is much more than equivalent to what Synology Photo provides. Beneath is a nautical chart detailing the features of Synology Photos, along with from which predecessor application each design/chemical element were incorporated:

Synology Photos

Photo Station 6

Synology Moments

Target users Professional photographers,
Home users
Professional photographers Home users
DSM 7.0 Supported Not supported Non supported
Display manner Folder view,
Timeline view
Folder view Folder view (view just),
Timeline view
Search features Keyword search,
Quick filters
General search,
Advanced search
Keyword search,
Advanced search
Virtual albums Supported Available in Shared Albums and Smart Albums Supported
Conditional albums Supported Supported (equivalent to Smart Albums) Not supported
Collaboration method Shared Space,
Shared albums
Anthology permissions Shared Photo Library
Detailed metadata information brandish Supported Supported Not supported
Auto-created albums Supported Not supported Supported
TV bandage AirPlay & Chromecast (via the mobile app) DS photo for Android/Apple Tv,
AirPlay & Chromecast (via the mobile app)
Not supported

And then, on the confront of information technology, Synology Photos seemingly does a very good job of consolidating the existing features of Moments and Photo Station half dozen. But allow'south talk virtually what happens to your data when yous migrate over, what parts of your existing NAS photography collections are migrated over.

Which Parts of Photo Station & Moments Can Be Migrated Over to Synology Photos in DSM 7?

Like whatever big firmware update on your photograph, computer or console, upgrading the firmware on your Synology NAS from DSM vi.2 to DSM vii.0 can be slightly unnerving, as it tin often lead to some applications no longer operation the same or (very much in the case of switching from Photo Station and Moments to Synology Photos) the collections of albums, tags, shares and more existence lost in the migration. Synology maintains that the bulk of Moments and Photo Station metadata, shares and structured folders/albums in each application volition be successfully maintained in the switch to Synology Photos in DSM 7. In cases where it is non possible, this can be downwards to file extension support changes in DSM 7, changes in supported AI services in the Synology Photos launch version or imply that a feature has been discontinued. Below is a breakdown of the data that will be migrated between Synology Photo Station and Moments into Synology Photos:

Photograph Station 6

Synology Moments

  • Metadata of photos and videos
  • Binder structures in Photograph Station and Personal Photo Station
  • Manually created albums (will be transformed into folders)
  • Shared albums and smart albums (volition be transformed into conditional albums)
  • Album permissions (volition be transformed into folder permissions)
  • General tags
  • Location tags (will be transformed into general tags)
  • Settings to exclude certain file formats from indexing and conversion
  • Metadata of photos and videos
  • Manually created and shared albums in My Photograph Library and Shared Photograph Library
  • General tags
  • Edited facial recognition results and groupings

Additionally, Synology highlight that the contents of the migrated shared albums and smart albums might be changed slightly due to changes in bundle pattern. Additionally, there may be an interruption of some shared albums/collections from your NAS bulldoze as the share links of albums will be regenerated during the migration. The original URLs will no longer be available. As smooth as the bulk of all this sounds, it is worth mentioning that the launch version of Synology Photos does have some features missing from Photograph Station 6 and Moments that, although might appear in a further update to the applications soon, are DEFINITELY worth knowing about before migrating from DSM 6.2 to DSM 7 – as a couple of these might be dealbreakers for yous when upgrading.

Which Features of Photo Station & Moments are Non Currently Supported on Synology Photos in DSM seven?

Despite the beta stage of DSM 7.0 and Synology Photos dorsum in December, the Release Candidate last month and the at present full release of the firmware update and app, it has to be said that at that place are still a few features of Photo Station 6 and Moments that are Not available in Synology Photos at launch. It has to exist highlighted that it seems that Photograph Station features are the ones that seemingly have had their wings clipped more. This appears to be largely every bit some features take been confederate into the wider DSM 7 system, but at that place are certainly a bunch of missing features in Synology Photos that many users are scratching their heads over. There are tiny features like the Photo Car recolour in Moments and Slideshow control, that are arguable quick old skool and forgivable in the update. Even so, some remarkably cool/useful features of Moments and Photo Station that are missing in Synology Photos, such every bit the world map view of your drove and AI-powered subject recognition (though facial recognition is still available and enabled in a settings menu) being absent are actually rather annoying! Below is a full breakdown of the features that WERE in Moments and Photo Station, but NOT in Synology Photos correct at present in Summer 2021:

Photo Station 6

Synology Moments

  • Business relationship arrangement of Photo Station and Personal Photo Station
  • Personal Photograph Station (its photos and videos will be migrated)
  • Descriptions hit counts, and watermarks of albums
  • Comments, color labels, and surface area highlight tools in Shared Albums
  • Map view!!!!!
  • Results of facial recognition (people tags) and ratings of photos
  • Portfolio
  • Theme
  • Log
  • Weblog
  • iFrame embedment
  • Settings to restrict users from public sharing
  • Photo sharing via social networks (due east.k., Facebook and Twitter)
  • Speed, music, and transition furnishings of slideshows
  • Field of study recognition!!!!!
  • Integration with Synology Drive Server and the direct viewing of files under "/home/Bulldoze"
  • Moments Select and Similar Photos
  • Car Color and Rotate

That said, Synology has been keen to highlight that some of the removed features from Synology Moments and Photograph Station six may be redesigned and relaunched along with future updates of Synology Photos, so nosotros hope that the bulk of the features above make it somewhen.

If You want to learn more about what Synology DSM 7.0 bring to your NAS (non just how it will touch for good/bad on your existing Photo Station and Moments setup into Synology Moments), why non read my Full video review of the Diskstation Manager 7.0 below:

Synology DSM 7.0 Review on NASCompares

Alternatively, you can Read the total DSM 7 review below:

Synology DSM 7 Review – The Quick Conclusion

Let'southward not mince words, the Synology DSM 7 software is hands the best experience you are ever going to have when accessing your decades of data! From huge upgrades in the graphical user interface, the layout of options and fifty-fifty managing to better the already uncommonly user-friendly pattern, DSM 7 is unquestionably the rex of network software right now. Aside from a few areas of design conflict between DSM half-dozen.two services and DSM seven UI, questionable changes on USB compatibility and contention over migration between in photo station and Synology photos, DSM seven.0 withal very much rules the roost when information technology comes to the best y'all can go in network-attached storage software in 2021/2022.

PROs of DSM 7.0 CONs of DSM 7.0
Genuinely Impressive Latency

Very Highly-seasoned GUI

Unbeatable First Party App Support

Almost Perfect Single EcoSystem

Makes DSM 6.2 Await Dated

Fast RAID Repair and RAID6 Improvements

Surveillance, VMs, Backups and Media Treatment all still x/10

Feels Just as Secure & Safe equally Ever

Hyper Fill-in & Cloud Sync Even so Support MANY Clouds

Agile Insight, Active Fill-in, C2 & HybridShare = Concern Win

Reduced USB Back up Currently

Some 3rd Party Applications have non migrated well

Synology Photos Still Lacks some Photo Station Services

Hybrid Share Only Supports Synology C2 (Paid Sub)

Occasional Conflict of DSM 6.2 to DSM vii Designs at times

Synology Drive File Pining & Active Backup Even so non Available for Mac

Go an alarm every time something gets added to this specific article!

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